Look Good Feel Great!

Wellness, health, beauty, fitness, and skincare married together to look good and feel great

About Me

I am Jessica, I live in Wilmington, North Carolina, and I’m a 30-something lawyer by day. My passions are Rodan + Fields and living a healthier life with Weight Watchers (WW). I created this website to share my passions with everyone because they have changed my life in so many ways. Because I look better, I feel GREAT and I want to share this feeling with everyone! Empowered women, empower women and together we can empower those that need it!

Some other info about me: I have an amazing fiance, Allen, that supports my passions (even though he doesn’t follow WW and often can be found eating snacks immediately following the healthy dinner I’ve prepared). I have a Yorkie Puppy named Penny  and she’s my baby. I run on sarcasm, coffee, and wine (yes you can have wine on Weight Watchers!!!). I love where we live because it’s near the ocean. I also love to play the piano, although it’s taken a backseat to these other passions as of late.

If there is anything else you want to know, just ask!!!

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