Look Good Feel Great!

Wellness, health, beauty, fitness, and skincare married together to look good and feel great

Last 90 days

My spirit animal Rachel Hollis is doing a last 90 days challenge! October 1 marked 90 days left in 2018, and her goal is to help us all make the last 90 days of this year kick ass!!

How do we do this?

 5 to thrive!!! 5 things that we can do to better our lives. To make us happier, healthier, and more productive.  We need more water, more exercise, more time, and more gratitude.

How I’m going to do this:

  1. I already get up at 5 am, so I’m staying up an hour later (until 10, I know, rebel!!!). I’m a morning person, I’m typing this is 6:30 in the morning. But if I stay up an hour later, I can focus on having an hour of productivity at 7 or 8 knowing that I can relax at 9.
  2. I do Pilates 3-4 times a week already, so I need to incorporate more activity on the days I don’t do that. Now that it’s getting cooler, I think I’ll start to walk my pup after work for 30 minutes on non-pilates days!!
  3. I need to be better about tracking my water. And lets remember, that most drinks have water in them!! Coffee, tea (don’t drink it sweet people), etc. etc. See my previous post on Hint water and LaCroix and other sparkling water beverages. They are all water people!! Flavored water, sparkling water, and unsweet tea make this doable for me. I will now focus on tracking my water so I get the right amount!!
  4. Soooo a month ago, after kicking my diet soda habit, I swore off sugar and artificial sweeteners other than honey and agave. And then promptly fell off the wagon. Preportioned snacks have sugar! So I’ll be doing this again, and this means also MEAL PLANNING, especially for snacks. I feel so much better and am so much more productive when I have my meals and snacks planned for the whole day. It’s time to kick my sugar habit!!
  5. This one is pretty simple: write down 10 things you are grateful for every day. Studies show that you are happier when you practice gratitude. My friend, team leader, and mentor Susan Chicone gave me an amazing joy journal, and my goal is to write them down every day!


Here’s Rachel Hollis’ link if you want to sign up!!! She’s emailing out helpful tools, worksheets, and trackers!!


1 thought on “Last 90 days”

  1. Kelli says:

    Love it!

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