Look Good Feel Great!

Wellness, health, beauty, fitness, and skincare married together to look good and feel great

Salsa Chicken

I got this recipe from my friend Courtney years ago, but I have no idea where she found it. But I love it!! If you can call it a recipe with 4 ingredients thrown into a crock pot.


1. boneless skinless chicken breasts, I use whatever I have on hand or in the freezer, but somewhere between 1-2 pounds is sufficient.

2. One can corn, drained.

3. One can black beans, drained.

4. one jar of your favorite salsa.

That’s it! Throw it all in a crock pot. It will look like this: 

Half the time, my chicken is half frozen. I cook it on low for 6 hours, take the chicken out, shred it with two forks, and throw it back in there for another hour or so. Then it will look like this: 

And then I put it on everything! You can make burritos, nachos, salad, tacos, etc. etc. And for Weight Watchers…it’s ZERO points!!! And it’s amazing. I like to sautee some peppers and onions, put some sour cream, salsa, cheese, and on my fave 1 point wraps and make me some burritos. They are so delicious!

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