Look Good Feel Great!

Wellness, health, beauty, fitness, and skincare married together to look good and feel great

PB2 Addiction

I’m addicted to PB2 with cocoa. 2 tablespoons is ONE POINT. This is so versatile and amazing. I’ve cut out sugar, and this totally satisfies my sweet tooth. You can do so many things with it! Here are my suggestions:

1. Add it to smoothies, milk, and/or milkshakes.

2. Refer to my previous post about chocolate peanut butter banana oatmeal. Or just add to oatmeal. It’s amazing.

3. To reconstitute, you add 1 tablespoon of water to 2 tablespoons of PB2, mix, and add water to desired consistency. I love to put this on a 1 point tortilla with some fruit, and have a little dessert burrito!

4. put on pancakes/crepes.

5. use as a substitute in PBJ.

6. I could go on for days.

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