Look Good Feel Great!

Wellness, health, beauty, fitness, and skincare married together to look good and feel great



I started using Rodan and Fields products because of my acne. Since middle school, I’ve had acne. And I’ve done just about everything to try to get rid of it. What’s everything you ask? Expensive dermatologist visits with prescription creams and pills,  Light treatments at Medspas, At home light masks, Proactiv, and every other brand name acne treatment in the isles of Walmart and Target. NOTHING worked, and it was expensive and frustrating.

As a teenager, I hated my face and the way it looked. Kids are brutal, and I was picked on. I lacked confidence because of my acne. As an adult, and as an attorney I felt that it made me look young and inexperienced. In court I often felt that everyone was staring at my blemishes. While you may think it’s about vanity, your face is the first thing people see. And it’s how you “face” the world.

It took me FOREVER after first hearing about our unblemish regimen to give it a try. I was eventually swayed by the 60 day money back guarantee, so if it didn’t work like everything else, I could get my money back. But I used it, and saw IMMEDIATE results. Like acne no more. Gone. I was SHOCKED that I found something that worked. My confidence soared. My self-esteem increased. I wear less makeup.

What’s in this stuff?

Step 1 Wash: Sulfur. AMAZING natural purifying mineral. People have been using sulfur for literally thousands of years to purify and detox the body and skin. That’s why people sit in hot springs.

Step 2 Tone: This is an amazing toner that works to cleanse pores and prepare them for optimal absorption of step 3.

Step 3 Treat: Benzoyl peroxide. This is the powerhouse of the regimen to stop acne in it’s tracks. It’s the perfect amount of powerful and gentle, and doesn’t dry out your skin like other acne treatments.

Step 4 Protect: sunscreen. This step is an oil controlling lotion as well as SPF 20 to protect your skin from sun damage.

Did you know that an acne cycle is WEEKS long? The blemishes you see on your face started weeks ago with bacteria under your skin. This is why a regular, twice a day regimen is so important to controlling acne. SPOT TREATING DOESN’T WORK.

So if you have acne, give it a try. If you have a teenager that has acne, give them the self confidence they need to face their day. What have you got to lose, besides your acne?!?

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