Look Good Feel Great!

Wellness, health, beauty, fitness, and skincare married together to look good and feel great

Chicken Enchiladas

Allen had no idea that this was WW friendly when I made it. It was delicious, and he even ate it for lunch for 2 days!!! Here are my ingredients.  I modified this recipe from one I found online a few years ago, and this is great dish to make for a crowd or to take somewhere!

The Steps:

1. I used about a pound of chicken breasts. I boiled them until cooked all the way through. If you are in a hurry, use a rotisserie chicken! But just the breasts for zero points.

2. I let the chicken cool and then chopped up the chicken into bite size pieces. I then mixed that with a can of fat free cream of chicken, and a small container of nonfat plain greek yogurt (zero points for the yogurt)!!

3. I sauteed about 3/4 cup of onion for about 5 minutes and tossed that in there also. I seasoned with pepper. If salt is your thing, I’d add it now, although I can talk to you for an hour about why you should cut salt out of your cooking. You could put any veggie in here you want! Peppers would be good too.

4. I put enough enchilada sauce in the bottom of the pan so the tortillas won’t stick. I then used these awesome 1 point tortillas I found that I use for EVERYTHING. You’re welcome.

5. I then put a scoop of chicken mixture and 2 tablespoons of shredded cheese (use whatever kind floats your boat, I used a Mexican blend 2%) in each tortilla, rolled them up, and put them seam side down in pan.

6. I repeated that 6 more times (although there is plenty of mixture for 8, but I ran out). I poured enchilada sauce on top, making sure to cover the tortillas so they get soft in the oven, but crunchy. Sprinkle remaining cheese over top.

7. Bake for 25-30 minutes at 350 degrees so it all gets warm and cheese is all brown and melty!! I covered with aluminum foil for the first 15 minutes so cheese doesn’t get too brown.

8. Eat delicious enchiladas. Allen raved about them. 8 points per enchilada, and filling and delicious!




1 thought on “Chicken Enchiladas”

  1. Jamski says:

    Yum!!! Can’t wait to try these!

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