Look Good Feel Great!

Wellness, health, beauty, fitness, and skincare married together to look good and feel great

Pilates Love

Have I told ya’ll how much I love Pilates? I love it. Well, love is a strong word, but for exercise, I LOVE IT!  There are so many different types of exercise out there, different programs, different methods. So find something that you don’t mind doing. Love and even “like” is a strong word for exercise in my book.

I personally got so tired of the gym. I hated it. Going there, fighting people over a treadmill I didn’t want to run on. And it made me not want to exercise. Which is not good. So I started trying out alternatives to the traditional gym.

Pilates is amazing. It is a full body work out and you are doing different things each class and each instructor. You use springs as resistance, and this amazing piece of equipment called a reformer. I personally go to Club Pilates where classes are capped at 12 and you know you’ll get your own station and your own reformer.

I have seen massive changes in my body from Pilates. And my legs are solid rock. I have core strength now!! I have GUNS. It’s amazing. Finding something I enjoy doing as exercise has made all the difference in the world.

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