Look Good Feel Great!

Wellness, health, beauty, fitness, and skincare married together to look good and feel great


This book. This woman. This message. It is alllllll me. It’s my first book club read in the book club I just started. You want a kick in the ass message/book/person to help get you motivated to do whatever it is your goal is?! THIS is it. THIS is your girl. This is YOUR TIME.

Her message is simple: what is your goal or dream? And how do we get you to work towards it? Because it’s your goal and your dream, and you’ve got to do it and believe in it, because if you don’t, no one else will! No one will believe in your dream/goal as much as you do!! In “Girl, Wash Your Face,” the specific message is to stop believing the lies that people tell you or you tell yourself. These LIES GET IN YOUR WAY of your dream and goal.

LIES. I tell myself lies. People tell me LIES. “You can’t do it.” “85 pounds to lose is a lot.” “That’s crazy.” “Just eat the donut.” The worst ones are lies disguised as excuses. This is where I tell someone my weight loss and fitness goal and my journey and they make excuses for why THEY could never do it. Like “I could never do what you do because I don’t have the time.” “I can’t afford weight watchers.” “I like to eat too much.” They are telling you their excuses which are lies they tell themselves!! But while they are telling you their lies, we almost automatically take them to heart.

My GOAL is 85 pounds lost. It’s a lofty one. I wrote it down when I started my Weight Watchers journey in February. When I tell people my goal, they look at me like I’m crazy. 85 pounds. Even when I say it out loud, it seems far fetched. So I recommend making smaller, more manageable goals within your larger ones. So it breaks down your huge goal into more manageable parts. For example, I am doing my Weight Watchers goal 10 pounds at a time. When I started, my goal was to lose 10 pounds in 2 months. Check. 20 pounds in 4 months. Check, and way ahead of schedule. It took me 2 more months to lose another 10 pounds. Yay! A celebration at 30 pounds lost. My next goal, you guessed it, is 10 more pounds by the end of September. I still have a long way to go, but damn I’m WAY further than I was when I started.

I highly recommend all things Rachel Hollis. She’s got books, seminars, podcasts, classes, recordings, and I’m pretty sure if you send her a Facebook message, she would personally give you a swift kick in the ass if that’s what you needed. I will too.


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