Look Good Feel Great!

Wellness, health, beauty, fitness, and skincare married together to look good and feel great

Look Good Feel Great! Food,Weight Watchers Mediterranean Chicken Dinner

Mediterranean Chicken Dinner

I can’t take credit for coming up with this dinner or even finding the recipe. But it was delicious and super Weight Watchers friendly. Even Allen, my anti WW fiance, gobbled it up and said it was delicious and for me to make it again. A R+F teammate of mine made this at our retreat, so it’s also amazing for a large group of people.

I tweaked the recipe a tad to make it more Weight Watchers friendly. I used boneless skinless chicken breasts (hello, ZERO points!!)  and I used shredded 2% mozzarella to leave out the oil from the cheese this recipe recommends. I also didn’t use oil when roasting the tomatoes and onions. I put the cheese on after plating so I could portion out my cheese and give Allen his cheesy goodness. The marinated artichokes add some points here because of the oil in them, but I think the flavor and using it to marinade the chicken is worth it. They are 6 points per cup, so easily distributed throughout this whole dish. However, you could use fresh artichokes or canned in water, and then you’d omit those points also!

Thank you to the clever carrot for the recipe and Denise Edwards for sharing it with me!!!

1 thought on “Mediterranean Chicken Dinner”

  1. Kelli says:

    This is so so yummy!!! Going to try your variation. ❤️

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