Look Good Feel Great!

Wellness, health, beauty, fitness, and skincare married together to look good and feel great


Rodan + Fields skincare has changed my life and my skin dramatically. Why do I do it? I started the PRODUCT because of my acne. I started the BUSINESS to make me happy! As you can imagine, being an attorney can be stressful, demanding, and adversarial. Every day this business, the people, and the products bring me joy. This skincare and this business changes lives. It increases self-confidence. It empowers women to empower other women. To support each other and bring each other up, instead of bringing each other down. It is amazing to see what women can do when we support and empower.

Weight Watchers has also changed my life. I will admit this is not the first time I have done the program. It’s probably not even my fifth time. The first time I had great success and lost 36 pounds, but I treated the program like a diet. Right after I lost the weight, I went right back to how I was eating and gained it all back plus 10 pounds. And every other time.

I have always struggled with my weight and what I’m eating. This time, I am working on changing my mindset. I am working on making this my lifestyle. I cannot eat whatever I want. I am not skinny, and I never will be. This program works: and I need to stick with it long term and stay on it for my life. That is the long term goal of the program anyway, to become a lifetime member and follow it’s program to keep your weight off.

So my mottos now are this:

1. Eat anything, but in moderation. Lots of times I order salads with grilled chicken and eat two (or three) of Allen’s fries.

2. I won’t give up wine, but I will track it and stay within the program.

3. I have got to quit rewarding myself with food. Seriously. There are lots of other ways to reward myself. Clothes? New clothes now that I’m 30 pounds lighter? YES. Jewelry? at 20 pounds lost, I gave myself an Apple Watch to assist with my progress.

4. Find exercise that you don’t hate. And do it regularly. I don’t want to say love, because I don’t love exercise. But I found something I don’t hate, and that’s Pilates. But that post is for another day.


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